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Los 12 principios de la animación fueron desarrollados por los ‘old men’ de los estudios Walt Disney, entre ellos Frank Thomas y Ollie Johnston, durante la década de 1930. Por…

Im working on the upcoming Paramount film, Amusement Park, directed by the well known Pixar animator and supervisor Dylan Brown.

Darkness isn’t always what it seems. Like a huge fan of horror and animation films I always was waiting for someone with the enough courage and talent to mix them…

That day when you open shot assignments and see this 2 beautiful shots next to your name. I felt very grateful. So much thanks to my Lead: Adrien Dogz, and…

During the early development stages of Big Hero 6, Disney animators had to figure out how each of their main characters moved. So they made these test animations to study…

Here is an animation short where 2 good friends are working on. The project actually looks great, in fact, I think is good idea with potential. ALLEYCATS is right now in crowdfunding campaign, so take a…

Directed by the two Disney veterans: Aaron Blaise and Chuck Williams. Tembo is the story of an African baby elephant who is captured and sent to India, become a fierce battle…